+44 20 8455 6575


is the act or process of taking on the right people for a role based on their aptitude, experience or skills. We help organisations understand and perform well in this process, by bringing together the best of procedural, functional and emotional components that make...


is the ability to, not only cope but, perform at your best, personally and professionally, even during times of change, high pressure, and adversity. : EQworks definition.  For clever and easy ways to understand and build resilience use our 6 Pillars Model of...


a group of emotional intelligence attributes that build one’s expressive abilities that make up a key composite area of overall emotional intelligence in the EQ-i 2.0 model


a connection or state existing between two or more people or things. Relationships exist to serve one or several parties. Ideally, parties are connected by mutual trust and appreciation for the other’s value.